Publish Your Book

book, notebook, red, text, Material property, book cover, paper product, paper, publication, diary, leather, stationery

You have already written your story

After fulfilling your dream, you are faced with the most paralyzing task of the author who wants to edit his own work: the presentation of your book in a format that can reach your expectant audience. Fénix now wants to pick you up on his wings and make your task as easy as possible.

  • Custom layout
  • Affordable prices
  • Integrated service
  • Guaranteed deadlines
  • Professional quality
  • Express shipping


Feel your book in your hands

We want our authors to convey to their readers the warmth of their work from the moment they caress the book with their hands. We want to adorn the entrance to the interior of your words.


We Were Born to Help You


We receive your manuscript in text formats like DOCX. We began to work together on the separation of chapters, prologues, epilogues, page notes, index … etc.


We unify the fonts, sizes, adjust the margins, create the header and footer, perform the placement and resolution of the images or illustrations. We send you the layout tests and you can tell us what you think is convenient to change.

Publication of books

We take care of designing your cover and we choose between multiple options, from a wide range of paper types for both the interior and the cover, such as the option of color printing on the inside or hardcover binding, we want the result to be the most adjusted to your idea.

Publication of magazines

Cover, spine, index, text, headlines, images, graphics, captions, etc. The exterior and interior design of the publication deserve special attention. We can publish single pages with color images and the rest in black and white for a lower investment.